Win at life!
During weird and rocky times, such as now, how can we still win at life? When I state “win at life” I view this in a very personal way. Small wins are everything. The silent battles we face are transformative. The mini miracles we experience everyday go very unnoticed in a world where “bigger is better.” But is bigger truly better?
What can you do during these rocky times to ensure a personal outlook that you’re winning despite such intense war, fear, and hate?
The small wins are everything: Cooking your favorite meal. Practicing yoga or exercising because we can actually move our bodies. Painting. Hugging loved ones. The cold cup of water. The orange leaf right outside your door. The morning cup of coffee. Making it to work right in time with a few extra minutes to spare. The perfect hair braid. The nice cleansing shower. The touching journal entry. The incredible guacamole. The crisp hot French fries. The thick hearty soup that mama made. Cooking a new meal that comes out perfectly. Sleeping so good you have blanket marks on your face. Lighting your favorite candle and getting into the bath. The new clip for your hair. Getting your loofa perfectly sudsy that your body feels entirely covered and freshly cleaned. The feeling of freshly shaven legs in your bed. Putting those pair of fuzzy socks on. Buying yourself flowers at the store.
What’s your small win today?