The Little Things
Dear Chelsey,
Welcome to another day in your life! Welcome to a day you have never experienced in your 22 years of living! How exciting!
The only thing I want and need today is your presence. The only thing I need for today is your attention on the NOW. Do not worry about when you’re leaving here, extending until, going next, etc. Seriously, today is NOT the day for any of these illusions and/or truths. All these questions you are asking yourself have nothing to do with your present moment and everything to do with old patterns of always trying to figure it out.
When there are no answers being presented to your questions, your questions don't need answering.
Relax into the magical gates of Ushuaia because this land is sacred. This is YOUR time to have with time. This is YOUR time to own the moment. This is YOUR time to expand as much as possible into who you are! Don’t waste it! Don’t hate on it! Don’t bother to figure it out!
Let time be exactly the way it is supposed to be and take care of your mind&body connection.
The universe has the hardest job, figuring out the precise timing and delicacy of your track. That’s some hard as shit work and that is all being arranged at every single moment beyond your eyes; since the moment you took your first breath. The universe has been working out all the little nitty grittings.
All you have to do is take your steps forward.
All you have to do is use your five senses in these exact moments because that’s where all the magic of Ushuaia, and life, is stored. What I can truly honor most is your passion to be this liberated. You are dedicated to growing. You are dedicated to learning about your presence in all dimensions. You are striving towards a nirvana that requires nothing but your truth, attention, and energy to be so precisely present it’s like everything you see, you know you created to some degree. You are a majesty that was raised by the heavens. You have every right to be here, present, spending the money you have, and devoting yourself to a life full of travel, love, and writing. That’s your truth! That’s your energy and all of the people who are not in your present reality aren't meant to be there for right now. Your present moment is YOU, Chelsey Grace, and the occasional angels and icons that come across your path. You are a blessing to every single person that meets you. You help without helping and you give without giving. Entirely, this journey is meant for you, is manifested for you, is dedicated for you, is everything you need and more. You are the one in charge here.
Use your boss ass energy to transform, not to worry. Use your boss ass energy to call in all that you need, not to worry. Use your boss ass energy to love, not to worry.
It's fun because it’s easy to be a boss! You have always been a leader, you have always been an alpha, you have always been different. You stand out; everybody knows it. Don’t quiet yourself for anybody. Keep pushing and growing and learning and loving. Never give up my darling.
You know, you don’t need much to survive. You have drawn it down to a ton of simplicity and you see how much easier it makes your life. All you seem to need every day is a bit of food, a LOT of water, some music, and nature. I am simply a work in progress that is on a level of divineness.
Let the day be as dope as possible,
Chelsey Grace