Observation of I
It is interesting to look at the raw facts of how humans wake up in a body that works perfectly and looks very naturalistic at the same time. It is interesting to note that we did not have control over the things that we may stress out about most. The way we look is not our choice. The way our bodies fill matter is not our choice.
Keeping in mind, every atom in our body came from a star that exploded. Being the atoms in your right hand is different from the ones in your left.
Our (two) parents and the way they treat us is not our choice. Those are examples of beings who we either want to become or who we certainly do not want to become. We throw so much negative energy towards what we cannot control instead of looking at the greatness we can control; our hearts, our health, our relationship with ourselves, and the love we can give out to the world. It is astonishing that in today’s world we have marketing expressing that it is cool to care.
What happened in the world that depicted caring was weird? How did society get so wrapped up within itself that it was forgotten we are here on this one earth together? All we need to do is care for one another. All we need is to love one another. When I see people giving out hate voluntarily, I immediately draw how much hate they have stored within themselves. The same goes for people who are unkind to one another. There is no organic relationship between loving yourself and being backhandedly conniving at the same time.
Within each body is a consciousness, an awareness, a voice. That awareness controls all doing of our actions, thoughts, and emotions. Humans are way more powerful than we give ourselves credit for. Obtaining and acknowledging the power within unleashes a whole world of greatness. That inner world has your back. That inner world always wants to have your back. It is about working together with yourself and the world around you.
Each passerby you see is really there and is trying to preserve the length of their life just like you are. We are all in this together whether people can harmoniously confide in that truth or not. The more love we can generate within will, in turn, make a more loving universe and environment altogether.
We are made from love and light.
Chelsey Grace Jacobs