¡Live with the Devine!
Booking excursions requires energy and a sense of demand to ensure I meet my criteria of exploring the city's wonders. With all that's to do here such as trekking/hiking, kayaking, dog sledding, exploring the divine art on the streets, eating the fresh king crab, the national park, seeing sea animals, and meeting the surrounding individuals, there's so much to chose!
Yesterday, I signed up for a 3-hour trek to have a 360 view of 3 lakes and kayaking. The weather whispered “You're fucked” because it was cold and appeared as if we were in a snow globe. But that did not stop us!
Turns out, three other wonderful people were doing the same tour from my hostel (Hostel Anúm). They were all friends before but included me in every photo, conversation (despite the language barrier), and even referred to us as “familia.” The tour was spectacular despite the weather.
That morning, yesterday, when I woke up I heard a gentle voice say “Stay in your channel today” I wasn't sure what that meant but when I sat down to have a moment with myself I thought about the word “Channel.”
I wrote on Ocotber 10th, 2023:
“Today I woke up and felt the energy of channeling. I'm not sure what that meant but that's what came to my mind instantly. To channel the now, to channel this channel, not that channel or these channels. THIS CHANNEL is what I heard. Use your ability to use this channel, to infinity and beyond. Today is a winter wonderland! Snow is coming down like water! It is so beautiful and angelic. I want to absorb the beauty of this weather and the incredibleness of my channel. This is my channel! This is the channel I presented for myself! This is the channel I am living. I want to be so tuned in today that nothing can bring me out of this present moment. Let me repeat that: I want to be so channeled into my channel that nothing can bring me out of this present moment. I am dedicated to this day. I am dedicated to the newness it presents. I am dedicated to this moment. I am happy to be here. I am happy to be surrounded by these strangers who I can barely understand. It’s hysterical. I am happy to be one with nature these past few weeks. Nature is so helpful to my soul, my heart, my eyes. It’s perfect for me. Everything is for this moment. Everything is for this channel!”
The intention of staying in my channel was so enriching for my present moment. There is no need to fast forward or rewind.
A little verse for you:
Stay live with the devineeeee yo. It’s crazy how trippy life can be when you’re staying live with the Devine, staying live on the channel.
I keep having these moments of transcendence with time and space. There are chunks throughout the day when I forget where I am or what time it is because I am so invested in what my body is seeing and feeling. It's not forgetting in an escaping way, it’s forgetting like my present moment is so beautiful and active that the only place I can expand on is here and now. On my hikes I am so present that all I can feel are my feet trekking through the snow, my breath in my throat and heart, my eyes exploring, typically freezing, thinking when it ends I will take a VERY HOT shower. hahahaha
The power of trekking is remarkable and exists as such inspiration to my body and soul. I am getting so strong. I am asking the universe to reveal my beauty as authentic as it can be. I am asking the universe to show me all the beauty that’s in store and help me see that beauty radiate miles inside. Everything starts internally and eventually, you see the change externally. It starts with us!
I am the most beautiful and protected individual of all time. I am the next great thing the world has ever seen.
May the universe show me its beauty…May I trust that my dreams are heard…May I know that my dreams are heard…
Peace, love, and liberation to all,
Chelsey Grace Jacobs #W2W #W2