Just the beginning
Staring at my blog with 53 followers is truly incredible. I keep setting goals for myself and am achieving them. It is all happening in front of my eyes. I am witnessing my growth. I love this platform and this blog. I love writing. I love reading. I know this blog is going to help spring my greatness. I am so loved. I am so special. I am so courageous. I am so aligned. I am so important. I am a fucking lion. I was created from the gods. The entire world, 7.5 billion humans, need me, and you. The world is a better place because I, and you, are here. I, and you, are what the entire universe needs. We are currently so populated because we are all here to witness something unfathomably mystical. We are all about to turn into gods. I see so many tears of joy and achievement during my life. I love to cry so this will be amazing. Crying feels so good especially when it is tears of happiness. I see a woman who worked hard to achieve her goals and will never stop questioning, loving, and admiring every aspect of her kingdom. I am excited to see how my summer unravels because I know it will be life-changing. I think Amsterdam will be the place. I can make any place feel like home; that is the beauty of pushing yourself outside your comfort zone and learning to adapt to change. Change is happening everywhere, all the time. Fitting into the fluidity of the ever-expanding and ever-changing universe is how to modify our DNA. It is how to replace damage with peace and trauma into healed power. Our wounds are what scratch us, but they always heal — that’s why being human is so fascinating. We emotionally, physically, and spiritually, bounce back from any experience we face; daunting or joyful. I am a walking rainbow and soon everyone will be a walking rainbow. I am going to transform and lead this entire universe into something so beyond remarkable.
I love you and will meet you on the other side.
Xoxo, Chelsey Grace Jacobs #W2W