It's been a while since I’ve been on here. I haven’t felt called to sit down and explain what has happened over the past month. I hope I can explain correctly the impact this past month had on me, my heart, my body, my mind…
I feel it’s because I have never loved my present moment so much, connected deeply with my surroundings, felt so in touch with my body and self-love, and learned so much about the universe all to prosper so greatly in the present moment.
When I returned from Rapa Nui (Easter Island) I knew I wanted to volunteer again. I liked Santiago, the food, the big city, the nightlife, the fashion. To me, it felt like a South American New York City that is mixed AND dipped with culture pouring in from all over the world. The morning after I returned to Santiago a hostel finally responded and said I could volunteer. I responded “YES” and showed up an hour later…If they hadn’t responded, I probably would have left the city.
When I arrived at the hostel there were two other volunteers in the same room as me; one who was 19 from Switzerland and another who was in her 40s from Argentina.
It all started with a “Hi!! What’s your name?”… and from there, magic transpired.
Her name was Kat and she low-key got fired her first week being an oparé which I found to be the funniest thing ever. But that got her to volunteer at this hostel too. We both thank god for that mishap…
We ate the same. Thought the same. Laughed at the same jokes. Found each other's companies to be the most divine thing in the world. We opened up to each other rather quickly and it was dope. I thought I was natural but SHIT! This chick got me thinking…She invited me into a world that I hadn’t seen before regarding the things we ingest. Sometimes we’re trained to just take these pills because they will help us, use this shampoo because it smells good, use this body lotion because it says “natural and soft” but when you stop and ask yourself if you need/want to be using these products…you may hear something rather different. She reminded me that our bodies can heal on our own helping me wean off products I’ve wanted to stop using for a while. She helped me not be so afraid of germs and remember its okay to get your paws a bit dirty. she helped me forget about my insecurities and be so lovingly enriched in my reality. I felt like this past month was the strongest I have ever loved my body. I will carry my love forward for my beautiful body every single day. It’s nice to be around someone who knows the power of our bodies and minds.
Flash forward to this morning: I found Kat in the bathroom to say goodbye and I just lost it. Maybe I was tired (she thinks jajajaja) but this past month with Kat was one of the best months I had traveling. What is powerful is that I probably say this every month. (Sometimes I cry myself to sleep at night because I feel so lucky and so thankful to be who I am)
She taught me so much about being natural, being bold (and she doesn’t even know that) but her energy helped me be that much more loud and proud…I don't know why. It’s so interesting some people you meet like a month or a week ago and you connect so deeply; so spiritually. She taught me how the hell to level up in the kitchen. I have some talent in the kitchen now everybody. All it takes is salted garlic, oil, onions, and salt on everything you do…jajajajaj. Oh, and some soy sauce is iconic in the kitchen too.
But really, our hearts fit together nicely and we were able to have conversations about a lot of pure things. We licked the same spoons after dipping them in peanut butter, drank out of the same milk carton, tried on each other's clothes, washed/folded each other's laundry, ate dinner together every night after cooking together, shared coffees, did a pole dancing class and other hella spontaneous stuff, held hands, cuddled with each other before bed, shared an occasional lemon pie (WHICH ROCKS BTW), read together, cried together (usually me crying and her silently sitting there petting my back), held crystals in our hands together, tanned together, swam together, and got to travel together…you get the gist.
It was pure effortless platonic love that I will never take for granted.
Now that she's gone, I feel a tiny bit heartbroken. Her laugh, her constant nose drip, her perfect smile and sophisticated cheekbones, her dedication to purity and holistic way of life, her swiftness and ease in all her movements, never complaining, supporting me, always wanting to understand more….
For this past month, my smile has never felt this effortless and truthful.
She is an angel. She's so sweet and she touched my heart. She helped me rationalize a lot of things in my head and I would do the same for her; those types of people you don't let get too far.
When I think of Kat, I think of the word FLOW: flow with life, flow with your heart, flow with your words, flow with your love, flow with your body.
When we were saying bye we both set intentions on the necklaces we got together. We wanted some sort of friendship necklace hehe. My intention was “There are so many people in your life you haven’t met yet that you will LOVE” and Kat’s was something I said that resonated with her deeply: “The power of turning foreignness into home. No matter where you go you can always feel at home.” Those two intentions equal us, our optimism, our love for being alive and growing…The timing and reason for us both being Santiago was God's plan. Meeting Katrin was God's plan.
I can continue forward with all the profound knowledge she gave me and know that we will one day meet again.
Thank god you got fired. Thank god we found each other again in this lifetime. Thank you for understanding me. I am beyond thankful to understand you. Your cooking skills are next level. Never stop being that Pinterest girl….I love you so much. See you down the road my baby kitty kat ❤
Peace and love to absolutely everyone and everything,
Chelsey Grace Jacobs